If you want to get to know Gloria Lucas, the best approach is to observe from across the room and idly chat about birth, books, or the best types of cheese. She loves writing almost as much as she likes reading and is initially described as aloof or very shy, "until you get to know her!" Is known to occasionally be very chatty and opinionated with the people she keeps close to.
When she's not writing, she enjoys long periods of silence and napping, neither of which she does often due to the four people she decided to introduce to the world. However, she has found them rather cute and entertaining.
Gloria's idea of relaxation is reading, hiking up mountains with her partner, and knitting mistake-riddled blankets.

Get to Know the Author
What got you into writing?
Writing is very cathartic for me. So is reading. As soon as I learned to read, books were my escape. Likewise, writing started as a sort of therapy when I was a child and was unable to discuss and process certain events.
Did you always want to be a writer?
I don't know exactly when I began to aspire to become an author, but I know I was young. When I was a little girl I used to tell the friends in my apartment complex scary stories after the sun set, but it was early enough our parents didn't want us back home (or maybe weren't home yet). The crowd grew and I was hooked on storytelling. In middle school, we had to interview someone in a profession we aspired to work in one day and I decided to interview a poet.
do want to emphasize that I feel pressuring children into choosing a career path so early on doesn't help anyone. I don't understand the American obsession over being defined by a job. However, I did like the idea of publishing books for a living (back when I assumed publishing was easy and payment was high!).
What genre do you write?
I hate this question because I'm not 100% sure. However, if I am forced to label my works, I'd say that I write literary fiction, women's fiction (I abhor this label), dabble with supernatural works, creative nonfiction, personal essays, and sometimes fuse it with thriller elements.
If I could step away from labels and try to describe my works with other words I'd say:
I draw heavily from my own experiences. I like to explore the human condition and often write to answer questions that haunt me or empathize with those I don't understand. My fiance likes to say I write emotional gut punches, which is probably fair. I inject a lot of humor into my writing, though, because I think even the heaviest topics require bits of hope.
What do you like to read?
This is a great question! Generally, there's more that I do like to read than not. I love literary fiction, women's fiction (again, ugh, with the label), thrillers, supernatural stories, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, mystery, true crime, some biographies, historical fiction, mythology, and nonfiction books on anything science, math, medical topics, psychology, and history.
What I don't generally gravitate towards are romance and erotica stories. This is not because I think those genres aren't valid or amazing reads, I'm simply not the target audience. I'm not a huge fan of the enemies to lovers or billionaire romance trope. I do read YA books, but not often. Same with memoirs.
Have other questions? Feel free to email! I may add yours to the questions above!